Thursday, September 27, 2012

love&tattoos, never easy to remove

The article, Erasing love Never Easy with Tattoos by Kyle Munson discusses why lovers should never plan a date that ends in the tattoo shop. Not only are these bad boys permanent but have been seen as a love curse by the many love tattoo advocates. Many of these unfortunate heartbroken lovers, find themselves sitting in the office of a plastic surgens waiting to endure the extremely painful process of tattoo removal, which is said to be the most painful process by far. I don't know what it is about lovers and tattoos but it just would never cross my mind because at any point something can go south. And once it's in ink on your body the only way to white it out is through surgery, it's just a stupid idea. A good example of this is Tamara from the Real Housewives of Orange County. Not only did she have her ex-husband initials tattooed on her ring finger but found herself in arguments with her longterm boyfriend. She elected to have the tattoo surgically removed to make her boyfriend happy and just at last get rid of the memories she didn't want to remember. 
I think that these kinds of tattoo not only are a pain in the butt to have removed, but cause many different strains on proceeding relationships. This makes if hard for people to legitimately move on. I mean come on, no one wants to date someone who has a different guy or girls name inked on them. -Kaitlin

In the article, "Erasing Love Never Easy with Tattoos," the author conveys the notion that it is emotionally and physically painful to have the name of an ex-lover permanently inked on one's body. While I agree with this, and never plan to get the name of my significant other tattooed on myself, others believe differently. An interesting point was made in the text, "Tattoos don't break lovers' hearts...Lovers break lovers' hearts" (p 119). This is from the stance of a tattoo artist, yet some people will argue that name tattoos are a "curse." Some people believe that once couples tattoo a name on one another, the relationship is over. As the tattoo artist stated, it is not the tattoo that is going to break up a relationship, it is more dependent upon the people in the relationship. The long-term consequences should be considered before a couple decides to get a permanent symbol of love tattooed on the body. For instance, the idea of getting a tattoo on one's ring finger is similar to wearing a wedding band. If a couple decides to get a tattoo underneath a wedding band, the action seems more thought-out and long-term, much like a marriage. -Mallory

      After reading "Erasing Love Never Easy with Tattoos", my first reaction was that the article had a bias undertone which was that, getting your lovers name tattooed is probably a bad idea. I do not believe the issue is so much getting a tattoo; it is about WHO is getting the tattoo and for what reasons. Because a tattoo is technically permanent, one must be confident in their decision making progress. Knowing that life can change at any moment, more specifically, people can change, creating a permanent reminder of a single person will always have cautionary elements. Tattoos can be a powerful way of expressing ones creativity, likes, passions, but as with many things, if it’s not thought-out or done with authenticity, a tattoo can be an unfortunate mistake reminder. Love is powerful, which is why a tattoo can be the perfect medium to express it. However, confidence must be incorporated with a lovers tattoo; confidence in the person who’s name is now upon your body but also confidence that change may require an alteration to the permanent art that lies upon your skin.

In the article "Erasing Love Never Easy with Tattoos" there are a series of both tattoo artists, and people who do tattoo removals who speak on this touchy subject of people getting their significant other at the time, tattooed onto their bodies. However, this could been seen as a curse in which shortens the relationship, occurrences always happen that change feelings. A question that is brought up is that if it is okay to do this in the case that your loved one has passed away, and you are madly in love with that individual. In this case, I see it as okay to do because that person can never hurt you and if you have a deep connection and love for them, that can never be changed or replaced. It is always hard to move on, when you regret getting a person who is not important in your life anymore, permanently tattooed on you, therefore, you should think twice before doing this.  -Amanda

the team

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