Thursday, November 1, 2012

Move Over, Tupperware: Botox Parties Are In

First it is about the tupperware and now it is about the botox. Like we are all trying to become the 'Real Housewives' of the world. Dr. Roche has used this almost drug like facial procedure as a way to keep business booming and even find new customers. By offering a discount to the customer who gets a group of 10 friends together for a botox party, it makes sense why this lady trend is being seen all over the U.S. However, what is this saying about these botox going ladies? Personally, I see it in a way that these so called 'friends' are judging each other and fighting for this sort of most 'young' looking award. It is unfortunate to see that women today cannot just sit around and enjoy each others company while sipping cocktails and eating appetizers. Yet, women want to sit around a kitchen and watch their friends get poked in the face. I don't know, this whole concept just seems a little bit weird. Also, although this procedure is temporary, it is totally addicting, not to mention pretty darn expensive. It was also shocking to see how much Dr.'s rely on parties and get togethers like these for a large amount of their sales. I guess the new fad is looking more and more fake as we get older, and it is one fad I will not be a fan of, at least I hope not. -Kaitlin

One of the key points that grabbed my attention after reading Move Over, Tupperware: Botox Parties Sweep the Country, was the cost and pricing structure of the Botox. In the article, the author informs us of the following scale for a single vile of Botox, 
  • Cost for the manufacturer: $40.00
  • Cost for the Doctor: $400.00, which is a 1000 percent markup
  • Cost the Doctors charge per vile: $2800, which is an additional 700 percent markup
  • Each vile can treat three or four patients
A different perspective is gained when evaluating this pricing scale. For an individual to participate in this procedure, a great deal of money must be invested, but is the cost reflective of what one is actually receiving?  Cosmetic procedures have gained popularity and when seeing the potential profit for manufacturers and doctors, it’s not surprising to see why they would push things such as Botox parties.

So what is a Botox party? Well, basically it is a get-together of women who eat, drink, and have conversation, all while receiving treatments of Botulin Toxin, or more commonly known as Botox.  Additionally, this party masquerades as a “Spa Day” or “Girls Day.” For example, on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Adreinne Maloof, one of the cast members, throws her own Spa Day in her home. She invites all of the other ladies on the show, and it becomes quite the shindig, from drinks and hors d’oeuvres to manicures and medical procedures. In the article, “Move Over Tupperware: Botox Parties Sweep the Country,” Dr. Gregory Roche attends his wife’s Botox party, where he is the doctor performing Botox procedures on the guests. He claims that this is a fad on the west and east coasts, and wants to popularize it among the Midwest states (Creager, 2002). These parties provide a significant income for cosmetic surgeons because they get so many patients all at once (Creager, 2002). And this is why so many doctors are for these parties in the first place. I think this party fad is just so interesting. Of course, I don’t think I will ever be hosting one, but it might be fun to check out, first hand, what happens at one of these things! -Mallory

With these Botox parties, some ladies can get carried away and just want the injections all over. They dont take into consideration that getting the injections in certain areas can be dangerous. For example, it is highly recommended that you do not get botox around the mouth because it can cause drooling or trouble talking. Also, Botox given on the wrong forehead muscles can cause the eyebrows to rise in a constantly surprised expression. You should definitely find a doctor who is familiar with facial expression muscles. Botox wears off in three to five months, so nothing, even, a mistake is permanent, but still lasts quite a while if still a mistake. -Amanda

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